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Subject In general aviation with piston powered aircraft
Posted by DAYTONAZ on July 15, 2006 at 5:40 PM
  This message has been viewed 187 times.
In Reply To Im still skeptical. posted by Drk93TT on July 15, 2006 at 03:28 PM
Message Plug cleaning is a regular part of routine maintenance. After cleaning the plugs in a bead blaster the ops check of the plug is performed by placing threading it into a pressure/spark fixture. The fixture has a window so you can specifically watch the spark pattern. Then you attach the electrical lead and start the sparking. At the same time you turn a knob which pressurizes the chamber and you watch the spark. The more pressure the less spark. It has to meet a certain pressure based on the type of plug.

That's the way we did it back in my GA days. I don't remember the pressure specs but I can tell you with certainty that if you continued applying pressure to the plug while it was arcing it would snuff the arc out.

That would be a good test of the NGK's if anyone wanted to drop by their local FBO and chat with the mtx guys. The thread is different of course between a/c plugs and ours but you could probably rig something to test the plug and find out what psi and gap relationships exist.

For now I'll leave mine at .035 as I will see ~20 soon.

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